Saturday, November 27, 2010

Slow Down!

So, what is with people, any more, huh?? 

When I was a kid Christmas didn't start until December, at least!!  Reading old novels, as I like to do, it seems that folks just went shopping Christmas Eve day and grabbed a tree and it was all over in no time! 

Now, focusing on God's great gift of His own Son is a great idea.  What that has to do with electronic gadgets, designer clothing and accessories and toys, toys, toys, seems rather obscure, to me! 

I love giving presents!!  I love the idea of a warm family gathering.  I get that we can give each other gifts in celebration of Jesus' birth.  Yes, I know the celebration was moved.  Yes, I know that a decorated tree doesn't have a lot to do with a holy day.  I will have a tree and celebrate on December 25th, if I can, nonetheless.

But why do we need Christmas stuff in the stores before the arrival of candy corn and plastic pumpkins??  Doesn't this lengthened Christmas season make it harder to sustain the happy mood? 

So, wait until December 20th, at least, to do your Christmas shopping, and stay out of my way -- I think I'm almost done!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cooking up a Storm

Cooking is not my thing, I'll admit that.  Occasionally, I'll get inspired and go humming about the kitchen,   very occasionally!  So "doing" a dinner for the benefit of my family, is nagging at the back of my mind. 

 We try not to focus on the food as much as on the reason for the day, but it is not effortless, for me.  I have to plan!  I have to think!!  I have to clean!!! 

Nobody wants me to go overboard.  We have a feast of fat things, even when the variety (& the fat) is limited.  I do look forward to leftovers.  No cooking for a couple of days!!

It's the actual cooking that has started the storm.  The cold front (brain, I guess)  and the warm front (would that be my stressed stomach?) are churning up the atmosphere.  I know from experience the best remedy is to plan well and just get at it! 

Bah!  And phooey!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Talking Turkey?

OK, I'm already sick of people talking about "Turkey Day!"  What in heaven's name is wrong with saying "Thanksgiving?"  Same number of syllables.  Can't be that much harder to form the word.  Are we that focused on food?  Really? 

You can get turkey at other times of the year.  As a matter of fact, I have frequently bought frozen turkey while it was inexpensive and popped it into the freezer for later, leaner months.  I know that purists say that there were no turkeys served at "the first Thanksgiving."  I know that wasn't the first one, that thanksgiving ceremonies have been going on for much longer than four centuries (okay, almost, almost!

The point is, whether there's turkey, or chicken, or vegetables or just a little rice -- or maybe nothing at all, there is still reason to set aside a day, at least, to acknowledge and thank God for what we have.  Maybe, if we stop and realise how fortunate we are and how little of it due to our own abilities, we will find a better perspective on more than what to call the last Thursday in November!

Don't even get me started on "National Pig Out Day!" and how does football make me thankful?  C'mon!

Happy giving of thanks!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


So, what is with the constant screaming?? 

I mean, I understand the occasional whoop of appreciation for something spectacular.  I'll even give you the excited mania when the player is sprinting toward home base, or the goal line.  What I don't get or like is the screeching when a celebrity walks on stage.  Are we trying to frighten them away?  Why would anyone with normal hearing consider this a compliment? 

I missed Oprah's show on Friday.  It was supposed to be the one where she shows all this cool stuff and then... "everyone in the audience is going home with one," followed by hysterical screaming.  Ugh!  I would have had to have the sound off and the closed captioning on, so I'm not sure I really missed anything. 

Years ago, I returned with friends to their home and found a mutual acquaintance waiting for them.  She shrieked out the news that she was engaged (the prospective groom was in attendance.)   "Aaaaaaaagh!" she screamed, jumping around like she was barefoot on a hot tar road.  I cringed, at least inwardly.

Why is there a need to make such a noise?  Will anyone pay any attention when there is an emergency, if we are already living at full lung capacity?  If someone is knocked to the ground by the sound we make at the simple sight of them, how will they know when they've done something of which we truly approve?  What happened to simple applause?

I'd like to suggest...

Ahem... I'd like to...

Excuse me...


Thank you.  I'd like to suggest that we lower our voices!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Flip Flop

OK, I'll admit I'm a clothing curmudgeon!  I don't like so many things that I ought to wear a sign, perhaps.  What could it say?  "THE END IS NEAR" and on the reverse "TOO NEAR THE HEM!"  Would anyone even get what I was driving at?

OK, I'm not ancient, but nobody under seventy-five would call me young either.  That may have something to do with how I feel about flip flops.  They are beach wear!  Wear them at home, if you wish.  Wear them in a communal shower, by all means!  Pleeease don't wear them to school, to the store (even if you are still in your bathing suit -- especially if you are still in your bathing suit!) to a date that is not at the beach, to vote, to the opera, to meet the President of the United States.... Ugh! 

A lot less floppy flapping might make me happier.  I doubt that, but we can try!

In case you are wondering, I don't wear flip flops...
    ...I wear Crocs!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stainless steel appliances

Today, it happened again.  I was watching the Nate show and the expert told a person selling her home to update the refrigerator with a slim profile (check) stainless steel one.  NOOOO!  I hate large stainless steel appliances in a home kitchen!  I worked at McDonald's.  We had SS there, all over the place.  Very practical.  Very institutional!  ICK!!  I'd rather have pastel, from the sixties or even avocado or gold from the seventies!  I thought I disliked them, but whew!! Yucky poo!  Cold as a big ice block, in my opinion!  What do you think?