Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mixed Signals

What is with manufacturing automobile turn signals and headlights together?  The taillights are bad enough.  I usually follow at a distance safe enough to get irritated with (but am in no danger of hitting) the half witted driver who turns without... oh, is that faint glimmer a turn signal?  Staring into the headlights of an oncoming minivan, slowing inexplicably... Ah, my dazzled eyes just caught a fleeting flash, didn't it.  Give me the old bolted on bug eyes!  Give me the hand signals!  No, not that signal...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Questions for Winter Grouches?

Why crab about the snow and the cold?  Is it January?  Is this New England?  Did we not expect this?  Have we been spoiled by a couple of open Winters?  Is there not beauty in the still white world? 

Well, are you answering me?  Why not enjoy each season as we have it?   Do they not whirl by fast enough, as it is?  Can we not find gratitude for something?  Why must you grumble?

Why was one of my best Christmas gifts a tub of red tulips?  Why did I keep them prominently displayed?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Is it a discussion when the participants just air their views?


noun \di-ˈskə-shən\

Definition of DISCUSSION

: consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate
: a formal treatment of a topic in speech or writing
I guess it could be.  Many "discussions" leave me grumpier than ever.  Obviously, you want to show everyone that you can parrot what you've seen on TV, the Internet, etc!   Just shut up, so I can give you the benefit of my hard earned wisdom! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What are You (almost) Wearing?

I've already mentioned that I'm a clothing or costuming curmudgeon.   I wouldn't be at all displeased if we all draped ourselves in robes and wore sandals or moccasins, since going barefoot is too dangerous and messy. 

I do like pretty dresses.  I like men in nice dressy-casual clothes.  BUT - Modesty is always a part of my definition of pretty.  It is not pretty or cute to render the garment moot, by baring or outlining the very body it's meant to cover!  

I do not deliberately subject all those I meet to the sight of those body parts which should be kept private.  I have no wish for you to lust after me, nor to laugh after me.  Could you not do the same for me? 

Cover yourself, please!  The place for displaying your wares is not on the street, much less at word, in school, on the bus ... Puh-leeze!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011