Monday, December 20, 2010

The "F" Word

That "F" word is for another day!

This time I'm talking fruitcake. 

I'm almost afraid to admit I actually love a good fruitcake!  I've had some rather bad samples and even the good ones are hard on the old system, but the taste of a spicy, nutty, fruity cake is a Christmas treat that I don't care to pass up.

What gets me "grumpie" is the universal joke garbage.  I don't have a "science project" of rotting food poisoning the atmosphere of my fridge.  I know a lot of people who just love their mothers-in-law, and I know a lot of people who like fruitcake... including me!

So, there!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Seen on another blog...

with a picture of Oscar the Grouch,

Merry Christmas!

Now, go home!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Alice L Craig

My hair is gray.
My hair is thin.
My body?  Where
Do I begin?
My brain half dead,
My hands are cold.
I blame it all
On getting old.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ah-Shoes! (Excuse me)

It happened, again!  Someone was a guest on a TV show I was watching.  Pull back...long shot...SHE HAS HOOVES!  Oh, they're shoes!  What would make anyone wear very high heels (not pretty) with platform soles (again, not pretty) made to look solid from near ankle to beyond toe??!!

Just because some designer has decided to "push the envelope,"  doesn't mean you wear them and look like half of a horse!!  Gee-up!

Lobster Claw Shoes

Monday, December 13, 2010

Now, That's Serious

I already posted about my aversion to those cards or key chain tags you have to have to get the sale price in certain drugstore and supermarket chains.  Now I have more reason than just being grouchy, for my dislike of them.  If someone gets your card/tag and buys something, the printed receipt gives them enough information to find your house.  If they have your keys, they don't even have to break in. 

In other words, the criminal doesn't even have to be as smart as the key tag carrier to pull off a pretty slick crime! 

Friday, December 10, 2010

What, a Card?

So, I'm looking at the sale fliers.  Thinking about making a list for stocking stuffers.  That's a good price.  Wait a sec.  Yup, it says "with card."  What?  Yet another chain has decided to restrict their sale prices to card carrying "members?"  Ridiculous!

Why don't they just card me at the door?  They may as well have.  I get so irritated that I cut the store out of my itinerary, anyway!  First it was a drugstore chain.  I stopped shopping there.  They finally lifted the ban/card.  Then there was the grocery store.  Another drugstore hops aboard.  Now, the first drugstore is at it, again.  I guess they didn't suffer enough from the lack of my patronage.  Well, it certainly does simplify things!  There are a few less places to stop, while I'm out. 

I know it's free!  I'm aware that it helps with business calculations.  Spare me.  I wish to remain anonymous, thank you.  Keep your card.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Do I Have to Have a Reason??

Why am I Grumpie?  What do you mean, why am I grumpy?  Do I have to have a reason?  Must we dig into my psyche and ferret out the root of my discontent??  Who will reap the benefit of such an exercise?  If you think that you will benefit, why should I care?  If you think that I will benefit, why should I believe you?  Perhaps I gain enough by being a grouch, to offset any perceived problem!

Just accept that I'm grumpy, and leave it there!  What makes it your business, anyway?  :(

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So, what is the point of walking around en pointe??  I realise I exaggerate, but not by much!  Why would anyone want to make themselves ridiculous by wearing heels so high they can barely walk?  Is it to look prettier?  I don't think so!  If something is pretty off the foot (and I have my opinion on that, too, big surprise!) it does not mean that it will make a body pretty!  I like marble columns.  I think they are pretty.  I do not think that attaching myself to them will make me look pretty!

Do women think that these stilts make them look sexy?  Is there a big difference between Mrs. Wiggins, Carol Burnett's character, and the preposterous posture of the modern shoe worshiper?  I don't see it.  Sticking out your posterior and lifting your feet like a show horse looks ridiculous, to me.  Heck, trying to look sexy for the general public looks ridiculous, too, but that's another subject!

So, if that expensive designer shoe (or slightly cheaper knock off) is a sculptural beauty, put it on a pedestal, not on your foot!  If you must put it on, stretch out your leg, admire the effect, take a picture, if you like, but have mercy, and don't stand up!  Please!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Howling Happy Days!

Don't even!!  If you've got to say something, just wish me a good evening.  I can not believe how far this has gone!  The day before Thanksgiving a checkout lady wished me a happy holiday!  What is controversial about Thanksgiving?  Sure, it's associated with thanking God.  I know, if you are an atheist, this may be offensive to you, but shouldn't we all be thankful??  I wished her a happy Thanksgiving, and moved on.

Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing.  When I was a kid, back when we said the Lord's prayer at the beginning of the school day, I have no memory of people hollering or whispering, "Happy Thanksgiving."
The greeting was reserved for Christmas and the turn of the year. 

So, I understand if you don't want to wish me a happy Chanukah!  You may not be aware that it is Hanukkah!  I don't celebrate the Festival of Lights, but you can wish me a happy one, if you want.  I won't be offended. 

I do object to "Happy Holidays!"  The attempt to be politically correct has become ridiculous!  If your employees are not to form the word, "Christmas" upon their lips, the how about just using the ubiquitous, "Have a good day?"  I don't even know if saying, "Happy Kwanzaa" is appropriate.  "Should one say, "Happy Saint Nicholas Day?"  "Happy Boxing Day?"  To what holy day does "Happy Holidays"  refer?  Is it Easter?  How about Good Friday? 

Phooey!  If not, bah!  and humbug! 

As far as "Merry Christmas," goes, it all right, but what I really wish for each soul is Joy.  The merriment dies away.  The lonely, the oppressed may find no occasion for jollity.  Deep in the soul comfort and joy is more like what I want for each and all.  I like to say "Happy Christmas" but, even if your particular holiday is not particularly happy, I send you greetings for the season of the day that brought tidings of great joy to all people.

So, there!