Thursday, December 2, 2010

Howling Happy Days!

Don't even!!  If you've got to say something, just wish me a good evening.  I can not believe how far this has gone!  The day before Thanksgiving a checkout lady wished me a happy holiday!  What is controversial about Thanksgiving?  Sure, it's associated with thanking God.  I know, if you are an atheist, this may be offensive to you, but shouldn't we all be thankful??  I wished her a happy Thanksgiving, and moved on.

Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing.  When I was a kid, back when we said the Lord's prayer at the beginning of the school day, I have no memory of people hollering or whispering, "Happy Thanksgiving."
The greeting was reserved for Christmas and the turn of the year. 

So, I understand if you don't want to wish me a happy Chanukah!  You may not be aware that it is Hanukkah!  I don't celebrate the Festival of Lights, but you can wish me a happy one, if you want.  I won't be offended. 

I do object to "Happy Holidays!"  The attempt to be politically correct has become ridiculous!  If your employees are not to form the word, "Christmas" upon their lips, the how about just using the ubiquitous, "Have a good day?"  I don't even know if saying, "Happy Kwanzaa" is appropriate.  "Should one say, "Happy Saint Nicholas Day?"  "Happy Boxing Day?"  To what holy day does "Happy Holidays"  refer?  Is it Easter?  How about Good Friday? 

Phooey!  If not, bah!  and humbug! 

As far as "Merry Christmas," goes, it all right, but what I really wish for each soul is Joy.  The merriment dies away.  The lonely, the oppressed may find no occasion for jollity.  Deep in the soul comfort and joy is more like what I want for each and all.  I like to say "Happy Christmas" but, even if your particular holiday is not particularly happy, I send you greetings for the season of the day that brought tidings of great joy to all people.

So, there!

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