Saturday, November 27, 2010

Slow Down!

So, what is with people, any more, huh?? 

When I was a kid Christmas didn't start until December, at least!!  Reading old novels, as I like to do, it seems that folks just went shopping Christmas Eve day and grabbed a tree and it was all over in no time! 

Now, focusing on God's great gift of His own Son is a great idea.  What that has to do with electronic gadgets, designer clothing and accessories and toys, toys, toys, seems rather obscure, to me! 

I love giving presents!!  I love the idea of a warm family gathering.  I get that we can give each other gifts in celebration of Jesus' birth.  Yes, I know the celebration was moved.  Yes, I know that a decorated tree doesn't have a lot to do with a holy day.  I will have a tree and celebrate on December 25th, if I can, nonetheless.

But why do we need Christmas stuff in the stores before the arrival of candy corn and plastic pumpkins??  Doesn't this lengthened Christmas season make it harder to sustain the happy mood? 

So, wait until December 20th, at least, to do your Christmas shopping, and stay out of my way -- I think I'm almost done!

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