Saturday, November 20, 2010


So, what is with the constant screaming?? 

I mean, I understand the occasional whoop of appreciation for something spectacular.  I'll even give you the excited mania when the player is sprinting toward home base, or the goal line.  What I don't get or like is the screeching when a celebrity walks on stage.  Are we trying to frighten them away?  Why would anyone with normal hearing consider this a compliment? 

I missed Oprah's show on Friday.  It was supposed to be the one where she shows all this cool stuff and then... "everyone in the audience is going home with one," followed by hysterical screaming.  Ugh!  I would have had to have the sound off and the closed captioning on, so I'm not sure I really missed anything. 

Years ago, I returned with friends to their home and found a mutual acquaintance waiting for them.  She shrieked out the news that she was engaged (the prospective groom was in attendance.)   "Aaaaaaaagh!" she screamed, jumping around like she was barefoot on a hot tar road.  I cringed, at least inwardly.

Why is there a need to make such a noise?  Will anyone pay any attention when there is an emergency, if we are already living at full lung capacity?  If someone is knocked to the ground by the sound we make at the simple sight of them, how will they know when they've done something of which we truly approve?  What happened to simple applause?

I'd like to suggest...

Ahem... I'd like to...

Excuse me...


Thank you.  I'd like to suggest that we lower our voices!

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