Sunday, November 21, 2010

Talking Turkey?

OK, I'm already sick of people talking about "Turkey Day!"  What in heaven's name is wrong with saying "Thanksgiving?"  Same number of syllables.  Can't be that much harder to form the word.  Are we that focused on food?  Really? 

You can get turkey at other times of the year.  As a matter of fact, I have frequently bought frozen turkey while it was inexpensive and popped it into the freezer for later, leaner months.  I know that purists say that there were no turkeys served at "the first Thanksgiving."  I know that wasn't the first one, that thanksgiving ceremonies have been going on for much longer than four centuries (okay, almost, almost!

The point is, whether there's turkey, or chicken, or vegetables or just a little rice -- or maybe nothing at all, there is still reason to set aside a day, at least, to acknowledge and thank God for what we have.  Maybe, if we stop and realise how fortunate we are and how little of it due to our own abilities, we will find a better perspective on more than what to call the last Thursday in November!

Don't even get me started on "National Pig Out Day!" and how does football make me thankful?  C'mon!

Happy giving of thanks!

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